Sunday, July 23, 2017


Congratulations to all Trainees who have successfully passed the 2017 Yudansha Grading
4th Dan:
Mohamed Goush

3rd Dan:
Muhammed Ismail

2nd Dan:
Gabriel Wong Li Han 
Fakhrur Razi
Azfar Hamiduddin Bin KO Noordin
Ruby Wang Rui Chun

1st Dan:
Zulkifli Osman
Angelina Fong Pei Shi

1st Kyu:
Sergio Arnoldo Jofre Barrios
Valerie Pooh
Alfred Chua Yao Wei

2nd Kyu:
Jeremy Tan Joo Teck
Yeo Chow Khoong

2017 Annual Event
Club Aikido thank all attending participants and the support in the recent training seminar conducted by Andrew Williamson Shihan of Aikido Shinryukan, Canterbury, NZ

Dear All Participants and Members,

This year again we see another new batch of Shodan, our first Yondan, and several other promotions. I am happy to see all these advancements, the sweat and efforts you all put in for these achievements.Do stay focus, train harder, be humble, helped the junior belts (symbolic partnering approach). Stay supple, open and ready for changes and stay healthy and happy. Straighten your thoughts and please observe the standard proper dojo etiquette seriously.

Club Aikido

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