Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Training Days

Club Aikido congratulates all those who have attained the respective grade :-

1st Kyu

1/ Tang Jing Guang
2/ Fakhrur Razi
3/ Azfar Hamiduddin
4/ Daniel Chan

2nd Kyu

1/ Zechariah Tay

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

10th Anniversary Gathering

Club Aikido hereby thank all participants to the 10th Anniversary Gathering and Andrew Williamson Sensei (Aikido Shinryukan, Canterbury, NZ) Visit 2013

Thanks to the kind sponsors:
Mohamed Goush
Francis Joaquimd' Souza
Ruby Wang
Tam Chi Keung

Special appreciations for their time, effort and assistance:
Edmond Ow
Mohamed Goush
Beverley Luah
Francis Joaquimd' Souza
Abigail Lum
Daniel Chan
Andy Tan
Tam Chi Keung
Ruby Wang
Kate Xu


Club Aikido congratulates all those who have attained their Yudansha Grades :-

1/ Mohamed Goush
2/ Ho Sue Leong

1/ Edmond Ow

1/ Francis Joaquimd' Souza
2/ Tang Chee Leong
3/ Wong Li Han, Gabriel
4/ Wong Li Yan, Samuel

Sharing My Thoughts

Hi guys,

I am happy with and for all of you who had came this far and had passed your grading. What you have attained and achieved is through your perseverance, hard training, and your self-believe. As you attained through each of your grades, you will also realize that you have also moved up to another level in your knowledge and accomplishment. There will be moments when you pause, and on looking back, you realized you have actually moved that far. These are also part of your life achievements, making you a much better person, and can be useful and contribute to the society. Keep it up, we do not stop learning, improving, whether much or little, it makes our life meaningful and worthwhile.

To live a useful life, at least for yourself, better still, for the people around you, and of course best - for our society.

Keep it up all of you.

Club Aikido

Monday, May 13, 2013

April/May 2013 Grading


Club Aikido congratulates the participants who went through their recent grading successfully:

Black 2nd Kyu
1. Daniel Chan Wai Keong