Monday, August 18, 2014

2014 Combine Training

Congratulation to Ruby Wang who successfully attained 1st Kyu (Black Gold) in July 2014.

Main Event

Club Aikido thank all participants in the recent combine training conducted by Andrew Williamson Sensei (Aikido Shinryukan, Canterbury, NZ) Visit 2014

With heartfelt thanks to the assistance and contributions in making the combine training a success:

Tam Chi Keung
Mohamed Goush
Francis Joaquimd' Souza
Ruby Wang

Special appreciations for their time and presence:

Edmond Ow
Beverley Luah
And a Big Thank You to Ruby Wang and her brother for arrangement of the training place and transportation.

Again thanks to all who pitched in their efforts and time to ensure that the event is a success.


Club Aikido congratulates all those who have attained their Yudansha Grades:-


1/ Tam Chi Keung

1/ Beverley Luah

Daniel Chan Wai Keong
Fakhrur Razi

Sharing My Thoughts

Dear All Participants and Members,

I am always happy and glad whenever I see you guys successfully getting through your grading. 
Precious time and efforts are put in for these achievements.
On attaining your new status, you moved into another level and stage of training to enhance and strengthen your knowledge and understanding.
Do remember to now and then REFRESH, going back to your basics to better understand and further strengthen your foundation.
There is always room for improvement and better our understanding, and no definite end to further advancement.
We live one life to the end but our learning, there is never an end.
Let’s continue to learn, to improve, and to enjoy whatever little joy that contributes in each of their way to our knowledge.
So strive on.


Club Aikido